Der Prinz und der Dybbuk

Genre: Documentary film / Trailer
Année: 2016/2017
Durée: 02:21 min
Description: The Prince and the Dybbuk Documentary film about the Polish-Jewish filmmaker Michał Waszyński, who in the 1930s was one of the most renowned and productive directors in Poland. One of his most famous works is the family drama "Der Dybbuk" ("The Dybbuk", PL 1937) shot in Yiddish and set in a small Jewish-Polish town. During the Second World War, Waszyński had to flee Poland. He finally settled in Spain, where he worked as a producer for several Hollywood studios in the 1950s and 1960s. The documentary captures Waszyński's life, which led him from Poland to the Ukraine, the U.S., Italy, Israel and then to Spain. The film also shows, how he hid his Jewish roots as well as his homosexuality to not be confronted with intolerance and antisemitism.
Fournisseur: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Droits: In Copyright / Edition Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Elwira Niewiera
Piotr Rosołowski -
Type de document:
Language: de